Imam al - Bukhari museum

Imam al - Bukhari museum / 02.06.2022

    The exposition of the museum was opened in 2001 and dedicated to the life and work of brilliant research of Hadith , coryphaeus theology of Islam Imam al - Bukhari . Throughout his life , Imam al - Bukhari has created more than 20 works . The main work of this philosopher and theologian was " Al - Jomi as - Sahih " . The book , which is considered sacred one after the Holy Koran in Islam includes wise words and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad ( SAW ) . To create the book , the scientist studied 7275 thousand Hadithes . In the Muslim world the scientist is famous under the name " Amiril muminin fil hadith " , which translates as " Emir of hadith property " . Work of Imam al - Bukhari , even nowadays attract the public attention high morality , justice and love to mankind .

    mus Therdour of latime was paned in 2001 and dedicated to the life a her and thedoglan wroughout na to . Imenal - luk work of helliant rurch of Hadin , curyalues Hathawad sayings of " The book , which a conure than 20 works . The main work of this the Muslim world the scenes Muhammad ( SAWI . To create the bored on her the Holy Koran in tam Talth proast Work ut be the moms Amis maminky Bihacana wadays attract the publicationion high morality , juetics and love tomankind

    Abu Abdullo Muhammad ibn All ibn Hasan ibn Bashir Hakim Termizi ( see 750 / 760y Termez city , 869y ) is a famous mystic . Since early childhood , Termizi has been trained by famous scientists in his country . To improve his knowledge , he visits many cities of the East , including Balkh , Nishapur , Baghdad , Mecca and Medina . The Egyptian scholar Sheikh Abdulfattah Abdullah Baraka points out that Termizi wrote more than 400 works , of which about 60 came down to us . Among them , the book " Navodir alusul fi - marifat akhbor Rasul " ( subtle ways of understanding the Prophet's messages ) , dedicated to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad . In Tashkent there are two manuscripts of this work , one of which is kept in the library of the Spiritual Council of Muslims of Uzbekistan , and the second in the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni . Among the works of the scientist written during the last years of his life , there are two books on Sufism : " Kitob haqiqat alodamiya " ( The Book of the Truth of Mankind ) and " Adab un - naffs " ( A Measure of Deterrence of Passionate Desires ) . One of the most important works of Termizi came down to us " Hatm ulavliyo " ( in some sources " Hatm ulvaloyat " ) , which describes in detail the views of Termizi on the art of prediction . For his encyclopedic knowledge in various fields of science , Termizi was glorified by his contemporaries . as " al - Hakim " .

    Abu Hafiz Kabir Bukhari ( / 67y . -Bukhana - 832y . ) is a great scientist of figh of the Islamic world , contemporary and teacher of Imam Bukhan , departing far from Bukhara , Islamic cities , in particular the capital of Islamic science and culture Boghdad , he became a disciple of Imam Muhammad ibn Hasan al - Shaibani . Abu Hafs Kabir was a great scientist who created the foundations of the Islamic Law . As Narshaki wrote because of his great mind and scientific knowledge Bukhara gained the title of " Kubbatul islam " Dome of Islamic faith . It is generally believed that , largely thanks to him , spiritual and secular sciences began to flourish in Bukhara , and Imams and scholar became revered Abu Hafs hiniself was given the title of " Kabir Bukhari " - " Grandiose Bukhara " and " Imami Hojatbaror . Abu Hafs wrote " Al - Axv oval ixtilof ( Hooddy words and Disagreements ) , " Ar - Radd alal Lafziya " ( Refutation of the Surprising convicts ) , and ather works , covering various issues figh . The Bukharians knew that the holy Imam Abu Hafs Kabir would always respond to a request for help , from whom t came : from the emir or ordinary citizen . Abu Xats Kabir became the of the Hanafi school in and Hafsi Sour younge Abu Hats ) , like his father was thered the first madrasah of Hanafi only in Bukhara . His son Abu in nigh .

    Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Savra ibn Musa ibn Zakhdok Sullami Bug ' i Termizi was born in Termez in 824 year . He received his primary education here , in Khurasan , Bukhara , and then in Iraqi religious schools . Muhammad , by the foresight and uniqueness of the faculties of the mind , knew by heart thousands of hadiths about the Prophet Muhammad . Among the faroes learned scholars of the hadith , his teachers were Imam Bukhari , Imam Muslim , Imam Abu Dawood , Kutayba ibn Sayyid . Isaac ibn Musa , Mahmud ibn Gaylon and others . When Termizi met with Imam Bukhari ( this met was in Nishapur , where both thinkers lived side by side for five years ) , he admits that he understood not only the content of these hadiths , but also their profound philosophy and wisdom . In turn , Imam Bukhari praised his pupil and modestly noted : " I received from you more spiritual satisfaction than you from me " . This was a great assessment of Termezi's activities . Most of Termezi's works have reached us . Among the works of Termizi , the most famous is , of course , " Sunani Tirmidhi " , one of the six most authoritative collections of the hadith of the Muslim world . Another of the most Famous works of Termezi is " ash - Shamoil en - Nabawiya " ( special qualities of the personality of the Prophet ) , which Includes 408 hadiths about the personality of the Prophet Illuminating his character , noble qualities and habits . 

    Abu Mansur Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Mahmud al - Hanafi al - Moturudi al - Samarkandi ( 870y . Samarkand - 945y . ) is an imam , a scientist in the al - figh sphere , founder of the Kalam moturudi current . He was awarded the honorary title " Imomal - god " , " Imomal mutakallimin " ( imam in the name of Allah , imam of mutakallims ) . Moturudi studied at the Ayiosi madrasah in Samarkand , and studied with the local fighs of Hanafiyah trend . His spiritual mentors were Abu Bakr al - Juzjoni , Abu Nasr ibn Ahmed al - Husayn al - Yodi , Nusair ibn Yahya al - Balkhi , Muhammad ibn Mukotilir - Razi . Later , he himself taught the basics of figh and kalama .. All the works of Imam Moturudi are written in the main stream of purely Islamic teaching , two of them are considered basic . One of them is called " Tavilot ahli as - Sunna " ( Notes to the followers of the Sunnah ) . In this work he tries to refute the dogmas of the Sunnah teaching and explains and further develops the views of Abu Hanifa . This work is stored in the funds of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan named after Abu Raikhan Beruni . This work of Moturudi served as a source of inspiration and was the basis of many works of educators of that historical era . His book entitled " Kitob Attavhid " ( a book about monotheism ) is considered the first work in the history of Muslim religious studies , which sets out the fundamentals of the theory of knowledge .

    Abu - Qasim Makhmud ibn Umar az - Zamakhshari ( 1075y . Khorezm , village Zamaxshar - 1144y . Current Urgench ) -is linguist , an Islamic scholar in the field of tafsir and hadith , Zamakhshari was well versed in various fields of science , especially the Arabic language and literature , the religious sciences and the art of calligraphy , which were duly appreciated by scientists of the time . He learned much from his famous teacher Abu Mudar al - Isfahani in the field of language , vocabulary and literature . He visited Mary , Nishapur , Isfahan , Damascus , Baghdad and Hejaz , 2 times - Makkah ,. Many of his works were written in Makkah ,. Therefore , he had the honorary title of " Zhorrulokh " ( neighbor of Allah ) , The book Al Mufassal " ( detailed reference on grammar , 1121y ) has long been known as the famous reference book on the study of Arabic literature both in the East and in the West . His work " Al - Kashshof an haqoiq ittanzyl va uyun ilavovil fi vuzhu it - taviyl " ( Revelations of the Koran and the Disclosure of the Meaning of Its Words Through Interpretation ) , is devoted to the interpretation of the Koran . In various book depositories of the world there are more than 100 manuscripts and more than 20 interpretations with footnotes of the book " Al - Kashshof " Students of Al - Azhar University in Cairo , along with other tafsirs , study the Koran on the basis of this work of Zamakhshari ..


    Burkhaniddin Abu - Hasan Ali ibn Abu Bakr Al - Margiloni ( 1123y . , Rishtan District , 1197y . , Samarkand ) is an outstanding faqih and imam . He received an Islamic education in Rishton , Margilan , Bukhara , Samarkand and other towns of Movarunnahr and was known as the great faqih of the Hanafi madhhab . Burhaneddin's ' Al - Hidaya " book ( The Righteous Path ) contains many of the most difficult issues facing Muslim believers of the time , induding family and social relations , property , commerce , crime and punishment , human dignity and responsibility in terms of Islamic law . This book became known and popular and was translated into several languages , not only in Maveronnaer , but also in other states of the Islamic East . This book is the most accurate , consistent and perfect work in the field of knowledge of figh . Over the centuries , as the main leadership , it was authoritative legal source of Islamic jurisprudence . It is for this reason that the scientist received great respect not only among scientists , but also among ordinary people as the " Leader of the righteous path . " Burhaniddin was awarded the honorary name of " Valmilla " ( argument , proof of Islam ) . In many universities of the world , Muslim jurisprudence is studied on the basis . of the teachings of fich of Burhaneddin.

    Abu Abdalla Mammad ir small an tarem bir al - Mugyra thn Bardaxbek at Juat al - Bukhart w Som 4 194 H en the 13th clay of morth Shawwal ( 810v ) , in Buknara . His father Ismait was a very ucated mar , uniy respected by us contemacranes and described in many books . Muhammad Iss his father at the early ages and was brought up by his mother His mother was a picus and wise woman . In his childhood suddenly Muhammad became blind . His mother was praying sa Allah day and right to return his eyesight . Sometimes later she had docem when she was sleeping Prophet ( bratim came her and said " Allah had heard all your prayings and he gives back eyesight to your spa " , and later Muhammad was recovered . At the age of 9 be completely leamt nolly " Kotan " by heart , he had a lessons from masters whose as were Muhammad ibn Sa am Pykandly and Ad Doh y One of this students Muhammad the Abu Hotain wrote about him that when he was 10 years he corrected se intake of his masters of his knowledge and deep mind , 16 years later he learnt about 70 000 adith's didactic storeshatorical events about the life of Prophet Muhammad and comments and definitions to botter A Mubarna ity Karanle of books written by famous master . He had pilgrimage to Makkah , with his mother and AG2 of 16. After the stayed in Makkah , Saudi Arabia for collecting hadiths of Prophet ar returning them to original state . Mother and brother of Imam al - Bukhari went back la Bukuran more than 20 countries , studied in more than t housand scholars and collected more than 600.000 are of Prophet Muhammar ( SAW ) during 40 years . Allah has endowed him with a beautiful memory which was noticeable already in nis childhoop . According to storical books there are some stories about Imam al - Bukhari when he was studying in Basre he came to the classes without papier and pencil to make the notes of the lessons . Seeing this his friends wanted to chek nis memory they asked aim about the lesson which they had to days before , they had notes of that lesson , he answered everything about the lesson in details . Seeing this his trends were really astonished . Imam al - Bukhari is famous for Islam world his famous masterpieces such as " Al - Jomi as - Sahih , " Aadab al otros " , " At - Tarix au - sagr , -tarih at - kabr " , " Kitab al - Vijdan " , " Kitab al - Kung " and a lot of his scientific researches still teach all the muslims all around the world to good behavour , being against violence and to cotain surt and clear mind . Imam al - Buichan's " Al Jomi as - Sahih " is known as first book after the Karan in the Islamic word . " Fast sacred , holy book is the Koran , and the first holy book which was written by people is Imam al - Bukhari's ' Al - Jonu as - Sahih P Imam al - Bukhar : " Imamad dunya til hadith has the titles as the imam of the world in the hadith world , Amint numain nl hadith Emir of hadith property . Atter 40 years he came back to Bukhara . When he was in Sukhera he beached hadiths to the students and masters But some jealous people envied him . Slanders , lies of that people broke the relations between Imam al - Bukh art with Ernir of Bukhara Khalid bin Ahmad al - Zuhali One more reason is that the Emir of Bukhara required to teach him " Al - jomi as - Sahih " and " At - Tartx as - Sigar books in emir's place . But the answer Imam al - Bukhart was : " I will not bring the knowledge to Emir's door making knowledge disoraced . Who needs knowledge he should search it for himself I've never hide my knowledge from people who needed it Allah is withess ( With that words he said the knowledge should be searched ) . Emir didn't liked this answer and ordered him to leave Bukhara . After that Imam al - Bukhart leaved Bukhara and started trip to Samarkand direction . After living for some period in the village Khartang which was close to Samarkand city in his relative Ghoib ibn Diabral's house he got illness and in 256 ah ( hor ) ( 870y- in the age of 60 died and was buried in the Hartang village . His tomb is one of the sacred , holiest shrines for all Muslims .

    According to stories when Imam al - Bukhart was buried dispersed fragrant smell from his grave and from four corners of tomb dispersed lights . After that diring the thousand years people visited that holy place . According to historical legend s it's said that if somebody holds the saint book " Al - Jomi as - Sahih " on his had and walks around the city there will be piece , fortune and Allah will safe this place from all evils . In 1998 with the order of  the first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to celebrate the 1225 years anniversary of Imam al - Bukhart in international level there was built amazing mabuseleumn with beautiful terraces and big Friday mosque . A lot of delegations from different countries were participated . Every year millions of local and foreign visitors visit his maouseleum for making small pilgrimage .




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