September clips from the qualification in practice

 Day 1    The 14th of September

    Hello everyone!  I knew that you haven't seen my blog since June and welcome to my new blog!  After the 1st week of our academic year, we started studying according to the "4+2" law.  At first, many people did not take it well, like me, because the hours of classes at the institute increased due to the internship, but in the following weeks, many people changed their minds, and we began to wait for the internship days to come sooner than studying.  On the 1st day, on September 14, we simply go to know about the school, its location and its administrators.  Unfortunately, the school management did not give us a warm welcome when we were waiting our groupmates someone induced enter into the class and someone kicked us out of the school and the school manager with rude words dampened our enthusiasm a little.


                Day 2   The 15th of September

    So my dears what do you think did we come in a good mood after these situations?  Of course no but luckily the teacher who attached to us namely my friends Nigina, Gulbadan and me were happy over the moon due to we have encountered qualified teacher, polite and very patient Umid Kenjayev.  Our teacher mainly teach elementary school children.  On Thursday there were an English lesson in all 3rd classes that is the 1st hour is in 3-B class, the 2nd hour is in 3-A class, and the 3rd hour is in 3-V class.  Among these classes the class 3-A  stood out for its knowledge and behaviour.  In addition the 3 sisters of the 3-V class Luisa, Tara and Mary, attracted everyone's attention.  That day we wanted to talk to them, get information about them and mostly touch their antique hair style, but we kept our distance because we weren't really close to them yet.  In the following hours since our teacher did not have classes we learned by asking how to keep the school records and how to fill out the necessary documents for our internship.    

                 Day 3   The 21st of September

    Today is the first Wednesday practice day and today we meet new pupils new class 4A beside 3B.  Also they were so good both in knowledge and in behavior too.  In addition for the following weeks we planned and decided to hold an open lesson with this class.  Beside their knowledge they are so polite they ask us many questions related to our private life if we were common person we could answer them but we were half teacher that's why with politeness we explained to them that we do not answer their questions and do not ask such questions.

 Day 4   The 22nd of September

    The second thursday this was our one of the difficulties day due to our teacher's daughter caught a cold and our teacher had to leave today's lessons to us.  Although today's pupil's are familiar to us it was very difficult to keep them calm during the lesson.  But despite the difficulties we managed to fulfill the tasks and we think that we have fulfilled our task as teachers who still have no experience.  As a problem Kamil, Feruz and Jahangir of class 3V argued and quarreled in class and it was very difficult to calm them down.  The lessons in our teacher's schedule ended but Umid teacher did not come.  That's why we returned home earlier we didn't know to whom gave the key of the  classroom before and when we asked one of the teachers and he said that Umid Kenjayev's father also works here and to deliver the key to him.  We were so surprised because yesterday his mother came and rudely ordered us to clean up the class.  Now his father we thought that he will be as rude as his wife but no he was so polite and were so thankful for our help.

Day 5   The 28th of September              

    Today we had lessons in 3B and 4A classes.  While classes teacher Umid asked for a help in 1st hour due to he had to solve problem with Olympiad.  When he left the class simutaneously came he asked about his mother and teacher, we said they left with work.  2nd our we didn't have a lesson and when we were sitting in the classroom, the teacher's mother, Fazolat Djurayevna, came and repeated what she said last week, that we need to clean the classroom, and because we didn't do it, they kicked us out of the classroom.  During this period, we sat in the school canteen, and when we left after the 3rd hour, Fazolat Djurayevna ordered them to clean the classroom and for us to wipe the dust again.  Today I started to think whether we have been hearing good words from this person all this year.  And as usual, we learned the procedure for filling out documents.

Also in a 25minute break came our tutor for getting the attendance. In addition I have completed the rude attitude and orders to us and she said also bepolite. Duration the day I was so angry that's why I didn't appear in photoes even I'm there only with moody face.

               Day 6   The 29th of September        

    Today we had as the difficult day as last due to last thursday our teacher's daughter was ill and today himself was ill we saw him really his voice was so steamed, very strong cough and explaining today's tasks saying that they are going to get some injections  they left  Classes 3B and 3A were mainly taught by Nigina and Gulbadan.  I gave class 3V.  I took away Kamil and Jahangir's distracting things from the lesson and told them that I would return them if they would actively participate and keep peace during the lesson.  If we worked with each student in the previous classes, in the 3rd hour I did all the exercises together with the class and the class calmed down.  At the end of the lesson, when the above-mentioned students asked for their things, I refused because they did not fulfill my requirements, they could not say anything, and after a few minutes, I sent their toys with their classmates.  During the lesson, I became very close to the sisters I mentioned on 1st day. I promised Tara to bring the panda pen that I use next week, and we took a selfie with little Mary.  At the end of the lesson, we handed over the classroom key to Fazolat Djurayevna and finally heard good things from her that is thanks.

                   The last photo and practice day on September. THE END!

See you soon on the October's blog. Bye!


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