Turki Jandi Mausoleum


Turki Jandi Mausoleum 

  Hello everybody! Today, December 22, is the 9th day of our practice. Our destination today was  Turki  Jandi  shrine. We gathered with our group members at 09:00. Since we did not know where the Turki Jandi  shrine  is located, we searched this place a lot. And finally we found that place. We entered this shrine under the leadership of our lovely teacher Zarifa Gafurovna. The shrine is very beautiful. Today it was the turn of our group members, Gulbadanbegim , Muqaddas and Kamola . They gave us the necessary information about this shrine.


    Compared to yesterday, the weather is much warmer and pleasant today. According to Gulbadanbegim : The life and career of Turki Jandi himself is something of a mystery—this author has not been able to find any reliable biographical information. The surname "Jandi" may be a reference to a place of birth, perhaps the medieval town of Jand (a.k.a. Jend), which was a winter capital of the Seljuqs along the Syr Darya (Jaxartes) river, prior to its destruction at the hands of the Mongols.


    Bird lovers may be interested to hear that the monument is crowned with a gigantic stork's nest, one of the few (and perhaps the only one) left in the city. Storks used to be common in Bukhara before land use changes and chemical fertilizers introduced in the Soviet era decimated their numbers from the mid-20th century onward.

    Muqaddas  told about the  inner side of this shrine and she told about history of this shrine. Gulbadanbegim, Muqaddas and Kamola. They gave the necessary and interesting information about this building and based on the information they made questions. We tried to answer these questions correctly and completely 




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