Hazrat ABDULKHOLIQ GIJDUVANI kuddisa sirrihu Khojai Jahan, known to the whole world as Khoja Abdulkhalik. Khoja Abdulkhalik was born in Gijduvan in 1103 and died in 1179 (in some sources 1220). His graves are in the city of Duvan.Bekendik Nakiband or seven per.The Sultan of Saints, Kutbi Zaman, scholar Rabbani, great educator Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani, the founder of the Khojagan Tariqa, "Sili lai Tarif (nosi caloring piri murshidi) are considered to be the murshid of Abdulkhali's father, Imam Abduljamil was a great scholar and scholar. Imam Abduljamil was originally from Romania From the generation of Imam Malik (713-795).they are born in Rijduvan. Khwaja Arif ar Rentari, Jami, Navoi, Ali Safi, Nasiriddin Tura, Makhdumi A Muhammed Bakir and other scholars and saints have written about Abdul Khaliq Gijduvani in their books.

    Hazrat Abdul Khaliq Khizr peace be upon him. Yusuf Hamadoni,According to Imam Sadriddin, Niyaz Khorezmi (Boboyi Laqlaqagi).those who received lim. A famous scholar of his time, the Sultan of Tafsir science.One of the first teachers of Imam Sadriddin Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani. Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani perfectly studied tafsir science from Imam Sadriddin in Bukhara. After that, Khizr (a.s.) adopted Abdul-Khaliq Ghijduvani as a spiritual child and secretly taught him the rules of zikr. Abdulkhalik Gijduvani Romitanda Hazrat Babayi Laklakagi. They also learn from Khoja Niyaz Khorezmi. This breed is noble-graves are in the village of Laqlaqa, Romitan district.
    At the age of twenty-two, he met the famous sheikh Khoja Yusuf al-Hamadani in Bukhara Sharif and learned the teachings of Sufism. Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani's teacher, who taught him the zikr of the heart and adopted him as a spiritual child, was Hizr alayhissalam, and the leader of conversation and khiraka was Sheikh Rabbani, a scholar, and saintly saint Khwaja Yusuf Hamado. Abdullah Barki, Hasan Andoqi, Ahmad Yassavi, Abdulkhalik Gijduvani are among the most mature caliphs of Yusuf Hamadani. Yusuf Hamadoni came to Bukhara and lived in Korkhana (Khuja Nurobod street) and taught Barki, Andoqi, Yassavi and Abdulkhaliq G'ijduvani. This magnificent shrine now houses the symbolic tombs of Yusuf Hamadani. Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani in his works entitled "Maqamoti Yusuf Hamadani" wrote about his teacher Sheikh Yusuf Hamadani.10 pictures and portraits, beautiful akhlortari walking postures, prayer. They give information about their activities and their relationships with their students. In this work, Abdulkhaliq Gijduvo describes his master Yusuf Hamadsky.
    They had performed Hajj thirty-two times in Shaykhimiya and finished reading the Qur'an a thousand times with coffee. He memorized seven hundred books on tafsir, hadith, f, usul, furu' and kalam. who interviewed two and thirteen people. They found a lot of friends. No one knew the number of people who managed to convert eight thousand pagans into Muslims, who repented and set them on the right path.According to Abdulkhalik Gijduvani, Hazrat Yusuf Kha- was engaged in cultural shoemaking and farming. Whatever the Han Ta'ala gave, they distributed it to the poor, orphans, sick and delband (serfar zand), needy, needy families.
    In their treatises, they quote the following advice of their elders about leeches (money to go to God): "O Abdulkhalik! Know that the guidance of the path of truth, that is, leeches, is two parts: the leech is visible and the leech is inner. The first is the leech, which is visible, and it is a divine command in any case. and following the rules, keeping religious standards within the limits of the possibility and avoiding the desires of the soul. It is to protect one's limbs from the air and lust, and to protect oneself in the territory of the partnership. The interpretation of this dhikr was first attributed to Hazrat Abu Bakr, then to Salman Farsi, then to Ja'fari Salik, then to Sultan Bayazid (Bastami), then to Sheikh Abul Hasan Haraqani, then the great sheikh Abu Ali came to formadi Tani and from him to us."Hazrat Abdulkhalik Gijduvani had many murids, mentors and students. The most mature of them: Khoja Ahmed Siddik, Khoja Avliyan Kabir, Khoja Suleiman Karmani. Khoja Arif ar-Rentari. Because the blessed souls of Khwaja Abdulkhalik came to educate His Holiness Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshband, the religious and spiritual pirs of that nation, Bahauddin Naqshband, were blessed. Those who taught Hazrat Bahou to dhikr khufya (remembering silently) are also noble.

    God has blessed Abdulkhalik Gijduvani with many blessings. In the book "Nasayim ul-Muhabbat", Navoi emphasized the great degrees given by Allah to Hazrat Khojai Jakhan Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani and wrote that "he always went to the Kaaba in prayer" (A.Navoi, "Collection of perfect works", vol. 17, T. - 2001 , page 253). In the same book, A.Navoi Abdulkhalik Gjij gave a description of his poem: "Their (that is, Abdulkhalik's) narration is a document in the Tariqat. All Faruk (separators of right from wrong) are accepted. (The same book, page 254). Hazrat Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani wrote treatises entitled "Risolai Sahabiya", "Maqsad as so likin", "Maslakal Orifin", "Maqamoti Yusuf Hamadoni", "Tariqat Adobi", as well as rubai and kitas. In 2003, the 900-year jubilee of Hazrat Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani was celebrated on a world scale in our country with the efforts of our government. A monument of the 21st century has been erected near the shrine of Hazrat Khojai Jahan. A beautiful mausoleum, a new mosque, a huge bar, and a pond were built there. Hazrat's works were published.


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