2.Khaja Arif ar-Revgari


    Khoja MUHAMMAD ARIF AR REVGARI q.s. Hazrat Khoja Arif is also known as Mohitoban. Khoja Arif was born in the village of Revgar, Shafirkon district, Bukhara province, lived for more than a hundred years and died in 1259. His graves were turned into a prosperous shrine in the center of Shafirkon.According to the sources, Khoja Arif was of medium height, moon-faced, big-eyed, with bowed eyebrows, and the smell of musky barn smelled from his whole body. Hazrat Khwaja Muhammad Arif ar-Revgari "Murshid of the eleventh circle in Silsilai Sharif. This breed is noble. Khojai Jahan - Abdulkhaliq Gijduvo those who learned why.

    Khwaja Arif ar-Revgari is considered the fourth caliph of Hazrat Abdul Khaliq Gijduvani. As narrated in the works of Hazrat Makhdumi Azam Dahbedi (1461-1542) "Maqamoti Khoja Abdulkholik Gijduvani", Hazrat Khizr a.s. They used to come to Hazrat Abdul Khaliq. At that time, all the students of Hazrat were sleeping. After the conversation, Khizr a.s. after they left, the disciples woke up involuntarily. Khwaja Muhammad is considered the youngest among the students. ar Revgari Khizr a.s. In order to enjoy their conversation, they sprinkled salt in his eyes, and because of the ogre's stubbornness, he could not sleep. As a result, they enjoyed their conversation. Seeing this situation, Khizr a.s. They said: "You are Yurif, God willing!" Khoja Khizr a.s. From the blessings of his breath, he became known to the whole world as Khoja Arif.The narration in the song is also "The government has it." Khoja Ahmed Siddik at the services of Hazrat Abdul-khalik Gijduvani. When Khwaja Avliyan Kabir (Kalon) and Khwaja Sulaiman were standing together, suddenly all three of them said in their hearts: "It's strange that our age, rank, and service are greater than Khwaja Arif ar-Rentari, but why is the grace of His Holiness high on Khwaja Arif?" » the doubt will pass. Hazrat Abdulkhalik, with the light of grace, knows their opinion and says: "O my children! Look for Khoja Orifii! They find Khwaja Arif, the leader of the saints. He was like a precious gem in a mosque, and he was chanting zikr. The Kaaba was spinning over his head and casting a shadow. Seeing this, they threw themselves at the feet of Hazrat Khwaja Arif, apologized, and believed that Khwaja Arif's status was high.

    According to the work "Risolai Sinokiy", one day, Khoja Ahmed Yassavi was cooking, and ordered his disciple Khoja Dugi to go to Gijduvan and bring yogurt from Khwaja Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani. Before Khwaja Dugiy reached Gijduvan, Rijduvani's caliph Khwaja Arif Revgari Ahmed Yassavi brought a catik to his presence. Knowing about this, Khoja Dugiy said: "Arif's condition is better than mine" - they recognize the perfections of Khoja Arif. In the work "Matlab ut Talibin" by Muhammed Talib, the wise words of Khoja Arif are quoted: "If anyone is busy with his own business, the door of hell is closed. If anyone reads the destiny of God, the door of paradise is closed."Khoja Arif ar Revgari is considered the author of the book "Arifnama". This work was written in 622 AH (1225 AD). Along with many rare works, "Orifnoma" was destroyed during the repression. In 1993, after Hazrat Bahauddin Naqsh band jubilee, His Highness Sheikh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi sent a photo copy of this book from Pakistan to Bukhara. This book, written in Persian-Tajik, was translated into Uzbek and presented to readers. From the wisdom of "Orifnoma".. Ayukhal arif! Be pure and of pure faith! Because it's an ugly heartdefile the whole body! After all, it is because of this heart that God accepts us or not. Polite people are an ornament! There are three signs of sainthood: the first is high rank to be humble even when taking over, until the other has patience do not abstain, and the third is to be honest until one is strong.Be in this world with your body and in the hereafter with your heart!Praising someone excessively is a sign of paganism and this is tantamount to denying Allah Ta'ala. An ascetic and a perfect person is able to follow fatwas, etc otherwise he is obsessive, crazy. 

    Things in human behavior, nature and situation are given by Allah Almighty, but in order to achieve the status of a profession, it is necessary to be a seeker. In the process of this study, due to effort and devotion, many rituals and hard work, purity and good qualities were formed and progressed gradually, reaching the rank of maturity and honor. But in this place, the primary emotion (pleasure, excitement) is necessary for tax, which is the prelude to discovery, and discovery is the prelude to enlightenment, and enlightenment is the prelude to observation. And only after that, he will receive the gift of the unseen! As soon as the curtains are lifted from the eyes of the tax collector, his vision becomes a clear mirror! The foundation of society's enlightenment belongs to Allah Ta'ala. tikod enlightenment is organized. A proud person is one who obeys sin, and his obedience is better than sin and more harmful to himself than sin. What kind of person would commit another sin after apologizing, God? May the Almighty forbid the repentance of such people and never look at them. - The essence of religion is hilm! And the root of faith is patience.- Shall I tell you that Allah is pleased with every servant - he is grateful for his work and the blessings that come from his work. Ayukhal arif! There are three types of slavery: first to strictly observe the supreme sharia commandments, the second is to agree to God's judgment, and the third is to get rid of one's will and desire and be happy with the will and will of the Almighty!


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