Khoja MAHMUD ANJIR FARNAVIY Q.S. 1 were born in Anjir Fagni village of Vobkent district and died there. The current name of this village is Anjir bot. Khoja Mahmud was the elder of the twelfth halka of Silsilai sharif, who was a great teacher, scholar, and guardian. In the sources, it is written that the profession of this sharif was a bricklayer. This sharif lived in the 13th century. According to Ali Safi's book "Rashahotu ainul Hayat", Khoja Ali ar Romitani asked Khizr a.s. when they asked, Khizr a.s.: <<The oldest murshid of this century will be Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnaviy! - those who said. Khizr a.s. According to his recommendations, Khoja Ali ap Romitani became a murid of Khoja Mahmud.Khoja Mahmud Anjir Farnavi learned science and technology from Hazrat Khoja Arif Revgari. Khoja Mahmud Khoja Arif-After receiving a letter of permission from Hazra, they will be famous for calling the people and chanting with a loud voice. They explain the reason for choosing Alonia (jariya) dhikr: "The reason we chose this style of dhikr is so that those who are sleeping will wake up. They will be protected from ignorance and be constantly obedient to the laws of Shari'at and Tariqat.


     The real may they be honored with the honor of their subjects and attain the happiness of both worlds." To the question, "Who has the right to follow such a dhikr?", His Holiness answered as follows: "Let such a person become famous with the dhikr of Alonia, whose language is free from lies and backbiting. , the mouth should be clean from unclean and questionable food, the tongue should be clean from dreams, the ear should be clean from listening to idle words, and the head should be clean from anything other than Allah." <<It is said in Rashalat that the masters of the Khojagon-Naqshbandiya sect, from Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnali to Mir Kulol, practiced zikr secretly (without making a sound in the heart) and jahriya (loudly). Khwaja Bahauddin continued the dhikr.Hazrat Makhdumi Azam Dahbedi's "Maqamoat Khoja Ab-Dulkholiq G'ijduvani" in the book "every time Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnawi: "O Lord!" - if they say, Hazrat Bari ta'ala said: "Lab-uncle, eh abdi!' (Labbay, O my servant!) is a direct response were listening to", the information is given.


    According to the same ⟪Makomot», Shaytan alayhi lab na Khwaja Mahmud Anjir Fagnawi has been with him for twelve years, intending to mislead this nobleman. Ittifoko came to visit the graves of Hazrat Khoja Mahmud Hazrat Abdulkhalik Gijduvani one day at midnight. Satan a.l. He took a candle and went before that person. Satan a.l. Seizing the opportunity, he asked the question: "How much does it cost to walk in a leech?" (The purpose of such a question was for Khoja Mahmud to answer: ``One man!'' Because here ``man'' means both a unit of measure and arrogance. "You are raw. You are not of age!" he said.) Sensing the malicious intention of Hazrat Khoja Mahmud Shayton a.l., he said: "Eight and five walks!" Shaytan, who did not expect such an answer. sprinkled dirt on his head, shouted and shouted: "I have been beating for twelve years and I have not been able to seduce this man, my tricks have failed. It's useless for me to stay here now!'According to the sources, Odlon gave many gifts to Heka Marmud. He is a noble breed when necessary the deaf Mahmud Anjir Fagnani has many disciples, who enters his form and flies to the desired destination instantly. Khoja Meri Khurd was the first caliph of Hazrat Anjir Fagnani. Names of Khoja Miri Hurd, Amir Husay, brothers of Khoja Miri Hurd, Amir Hasan 69lib. Known as Mire Kalon. But from the death of Hazrat Mahmud Anjir Fagnawi, the caliphate was given to Miri Khurd. According to Ali Safi's "Rashahotu Ainul Life" and Nasiriddi Tura's "Tukhfat and Zoirin" works, the graves of Miri Khurd are located in the tomb of Hazrat Khoja Mahmud Aljir Farnawi. This noble family passed away in 1319. In these days, the graves of Miri Khurd are also located on the eastern side of Khwaja Mahmud Anjir Fagnani.

    Khwaja Muhammad Shirin is one of the famous murids of Hazrat Muhammad Shah Ar Sawi (d. 1601) in Poyanda and is considered a descendant of Hazrat Khwaja Mahmud Anjir Fagnawi (Tuk-fat az zairin", page 117). Khwaja Muhammad Shirin served several Hazrat Shah Akhsavi and After his death, they became the head of the tax authorities.Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnawi died in 1286 and was buried in his village. During the time of the Soviets, the shrines of Khoja Mahmud were neglected and ruined. In honor of the restoration, Hazrat Mahmud Fagnawi's complexes, among other shrines in our country, were improved. A new gatehouse, mausoleum, mosque, well, pool, and a large garden were built here. This complex was built based on the project of the well-known architect M.Q. Akhmedov.


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